Friday, January 2, 2009

a little morning blogging...

1. I am clearly in need of less spots (several more seem to have appeared, and by several more I’m talking like 75-100 more at least) and more heat (BRRRR it’s cold outside and inside!!!!)
2. I’m really excited about church on Sunday (Hillsong here I come), more my scene for meeting people. I am experiencing a very real struggle to meet people… the bar scene just isn’t me! However, despite my lack of ability to meet people, due to my lack of effort to try, I haven’t really felt lonely. Praise Him. (*Clarification, I have met and spoken with several people… my favorite being Leo whom I met at Starbucks, there is something terribly cute about a 2 year old saying in an THICK British accent, “Mummy, I’m going to go annoy that lady!” We became quick friends, he wasn’t annoying at all; until he all but crawled in my lap and started making weird “spider” faces at me. Not annoying, but a bit odd I will admit. I’ve met and talked with other people as well, most just tend to be woman with children – i.e. Michelle and Sebastian, no one my age yet!)
3. Important discovery of the day, milk with my organic muesli… It tastes better dry… a bit like soggy cardboard when eaten with milk. Gross. Also, milk here comes in a small box (all portion sizes are much smaller than those in America… duh!!) and is not refrigerated until after it is opened. Oh acculturation…

Prayer of the Day:
“Oh great God be glorified, our lives laid down, yours magnified!” – in all things, at all times, in all places!

Song of the Day:
I walk the streets of London
And notice in the faces passing by
Something that makes me stop and listen
My heart grows heavy with the cry
Where is the hope for London?
You whisper and my heart begins to soar
As I'm reminded
That every street in London in Yours

- YOURS by: Steven Curtis Chapman

1 comment:

  1. CKV! Sounds like you are having a lovely time :) I laughed so hard when I read the part about the little kid. "Mummy I'm going to go annoy that lady." Haha that is awesome. I'm sad I'm not there with you, but so glad you are blogging about your life so I can keep up with you! I read on fb that you are moving - does that mean you have a job? What will you be doing? How far away are you moving from London? I hope the spots are not cool of your body to freak out on you :( Glad to hear also that you had a peaceful NYE :) I hope you will have more opportunities to meet people when you get settled into your new place! Sorry this is so random, I'm just typing my thoughts about all the things I've read as I go :) Love and miss you tons!!! Love and Peace, Erin

