Wednesday, December 31, 2008

oh happy day... (sings song)

What a glorious morning. Despite the fact that I was up until 4:30 ITCHING, I had a wonderful two hours of sleep and am quite excited about the day. I’ve officially mastered the tube and rail system, a feat I am very proud of. Almost like learning to play one of Motzarts’ pieces on the piano or scoring the winning goal in the World Cup… yes, it’s that big of a deal! I must also say that I have truly enjoyed my time on the tube and railway. Traversing through the countryside has been breathtaking, and people watching in the tube has been just as fascinating (I just have to be careful not to miss my stop).
Ingrid slept in the morning so, sadly, I missed my morning tea and toast. I figure she needed sleep more than I needed breakfast. Lucky for me I’ve arrived in Romford early enough to sit in the Mangiamo (sounds like something from some Austin Powers Movie) CafĂ© and have a latte and slice of toast before my interview. I’m quite excited about my interview today and thus far, truly like Romford. I feel like I went from Maida Vale (South Park) to Bromley (Tryon Street) to Romford (Boston). I’d be quite happy in the first or the last. Also, the journey here this morning was fabulous. I got to venture ‘round the Liverpool station for a while… a wonderful place!!! I’d love to go back and tour around for the day!!
Speaking of Ingrid, I’ve forgotten to mention, in every message thus far, that my flat looks like a museum. Every way is covered in hanging paintings… the most beautiful you have ever seen. Everything from landscapes to naked women. I fall asleep every night with a strange woman staring down at me. While a tad odd to fall asleep staring at a bunch of glaring eyeballs, I must say that I appreciate the artwork a great deal and will surly miss it when I am gone.
Additionally, I am quite thrilled about what the Lord is doing in my life right now. He has given me a complete peace about all that is going on (Peace that surpasses all understanding!). It’s quite a lovely place to be and I am constantly amazed and surprised by His little blessings every day. I feel quite strongly that He has directed my path so far and will continue to do so and the comfort in that has caused me to not stress despite my lack of a job, finances or permanent housing. Each day has provided me with new opportunities and blessings that would not have come about had I not been in the exact place that the Lord has me right then. Also, without totally divulging way too much personal information, it has been so wonderful to see how the Lord has used this time apart (even just the few days it has been) to draw Jeff and I closer to Him and in a deeper and intimate relationship with Him, which has in turn drawn us closer to each other. I’m quite excited about what the Lord in doing in our lives individually and as a couple. He truly does delight in the impossible!!!

All things working together for good… (keep reading)
GOOD NEWS!! My interview this morning went splendidly, such a different feel than the one in Bromley. I like the area of Romford (must be said with a thick British accent or no one know where the heck you are talking about) and the agency had such a different feel to it. I knew from the moment I walked in that I would love to work there. I felt so comfortable during my interview and the two interviewers were so wonderful. I would absolutely love to work for them!! So, you can imagine my excitement when they offered met the job!!!! They were even quite complementary on my interviewing skills and answer that I had given, something that is apparently very uncommon for the British. Apparently they try to avoid flowery fluff. Don’t they know how much my ego likes a little flower and fluff now and then. It’s good for the self-esteem. On a more serious note, it was quite the hit to my pride the other day when the Bromley interview let much to be desired. However, I would have been so miserable working there. Clearly, the Lord had a bigger plan and I am so thankful to have received the offer that I did today as opposed to one on Monday. All of that to say that I had a wonderful morning and I officially start work on Tuesday!! I can’t wait!! Yeah for meeting people, making money, and getting to hone my social work skills! Very exciting day. Since the interview I found it only appropriate to walk around town and acquaint myself with my new surroundings. I was trilled to locate two HUGE shopping centers and a great open air market. I think Romford and I are going to get along just fine!!
A great success made even greater with a little celebration meal. What you ask did I eat in honor of such a wonderful day…. McDonalds!! (something I normally don’t even eat in the States). Ha ha I ordered a chicken nugget and a “Quality Street Matchmakers Cool Mint McFlurry.”
While I still have no idea what that it, it sounded a lot better than a Smarties McFlurry. Gross. I am all about some acculturation, but there are a few things that I will just not accept as ok. Smartie anything, and the pletnora of weird things they eat for breakfast over here being included on my list. Seriously… french-fries, a sandwich and a beer for breakfast. Yes, a beer for breakfast. Pubs are open for breakfast and people are in there drinking beer. Gross. I don’t even like beer at night, I sure don’t want it in the morning.

More tid bits…
- When order toast one is often asked if they want brown or white toast. Brown toast is not wheat toast (which I’ve yet to find) but instead, unbleached white bread.
- It has yet to rain since I have been here (I am hoping to not jinx myself here).
- Beer is called Bitters and in addition to being drunk in the morning, it is served warm and has twice the alcohol content.

Happy New Years to all!


“bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” – 2 Corinthians 10:5


  1. Hey crazy girl! you do know that Smarties over there are their version of M&Ms, right? they aren't like the sugary things that we call smarties!

    Glad you are having fun, and congrats on the job!!

  2. Well, being from Canada (which I've been told either makes me British or mostly American, depending on who you talk to, sorry but I have heard it all since moving to the south) I feel I must clarify a few things here.

    #1: Smarties are in fact the delicious equivalent to M&M's. They are little candy coated pieces of chocolate and not the hard candy in the clear wrapper that you get in the States at Halloween! Those are called Rockets and taste better in Canada. We have M&M's as well, but Smarties are better. And a smarties flurry sounds really good right now!!!

    #2: The Crunchie bar mentioned is phenomenal and easily in the top 5 chocolate bars ever made!!! Again, got them in Canada!!

    #3: Celcius doesn't have to be that tough. Just remember: single digits are bad!!! 10 C = 50 F. Starts to get pretty chilly after that!! And yes 0 C = 32 F and is freezing!!!

    #4: Pounds..... well.... you're on your own there!!! We have dollars in Canada. Not worth as much as they are here.... but still called the same!

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know, and I think I speak for all that know you, that we are all so proud of you back home!!! You are a wonderful person and London is by far luckier to have you there, than you are to be in London!!

    Be good, be safe, and try not to like it too much!! We miss you, we love you, and want you to come home in June!!!!


