Tuesday, December 30, 2008

…and then there was warmth.

*Perhaps I should keep my entries less personal and detailed if I am going to be sharing them with a plethora of people. The non-blogger in my is cringing at the divulgation (is that even a word?) of personal information.

Four duvet covers later, I am finally warm!!!! In my frozen state however, I learned that 4 degree Celsius is approximately 36 degree Fareinheight (I think that is right)! I also learned that I have absolutely no clue about the British coinage system and which causes a great delay for the people behind me in line. No one seemed pleased or amused as they watched me carefully examine each coin to discover its value. I also discovered that I can pick up wireless at Starbucks without paying, great news as they are open until 8:00 as opposed to 5:00 like Roma’s. Gotta love holiday hours!
My big discovery of the day… slippers and organic granola cereal at the Pound Store (Dollar Store, although slightly more with the exchange rate). Now my feet are toasty warm and I no longer have to feel as though I am walking on ice. As for the cereal find.. I have no milk or bowl with which to eat my granola. However, once I can no longer afford my tea and bread for a pound I figure it will suffice my hunger pangs as I eat it out of the bag as if it were potato chips or food that is socially acceptable to eat with your fingers out of a bag.

Question of the night: I read somewhere today that one should not use the adaptor plug to charge items for an extended period of time as the English voltage system is much different than that of the United States. Hummmm… I will not be purchasing a new computer while I am here. Is six months of British voltage charging going to do serious damage to my laptop?!?!

Tonight I am thankful for the little things… the wonderful pillow that I got for Christmas (thank you, Santa), the incredible organization of my traveling jewelry case which has made it very easy to locate pieces of jewelry and has saved me the hassle of wasting time untangling necklaces and locating missing earrings (thank you, Jeff), and the slippers that I purchased for a single pound that are keeping my feel oh so warm (not sure who to thank for that one).

SIDE NOTE: The air pollution does not seem to be bad here at all. The morning air is so crisp and fresh and there is not much road traffic at all. However, when I blow my nose, my snot is black (yeah yeah, I can hear everyone now, “Ewe gross, too much information!”… All of that to say, perhaps there is more air pollution here than I think?!?!? I hope not.

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